Just stumbled upon my blog 'Le Jardin Jacaranda' that I started in 2008 ! Wow ! What happened ? Why did I stop writing ? I enjoyed writing so much. With the beginner's enthusiasm started three blogs! And now all three have closed shop.

Life has a way of catching up and I must catch up with writing. Some one called it their excretory system. What an apt definition ! Way of letting it all out, catharsis or just plain old excretion.
I have always loved the art of writing and forever regretted that I didn't have a knack for writing. If I could be granted one wish in this life that would be to write in glorious prose and make words dance on the paper. What an incredible talent it is ? Height of creativity to weave a web of words that so sweetly trap the reader who gets entangled in a world of fantasy and angst. Simply love that gift which has of course eluded me.
This was supposed to be my gardening blog. But the heat has killed the plants and the desire to garden as well. The winter killed a lot of the plants. Only one surviving Jacaranda.
The fruit trees seem stressed. "Knock out ', 'Belinda's dream' and 'Valentine' are still going strong but the blooms have gotten smaller. To water the pots is getting to be a chore. Frequent travels have taken a toll on my gardening and my garden.
May be blogging about my flower photography may be in keeping with the spirit of this blog ???
I almost caught the fag end of Daylily season. They are at their peak from mid May to the end of May. I went to Yosemite exactly at that time to catch the water falls in the park.
I ambled over to Loris Garrett who has a nice collection of Daylilies. It was quite windy and very hard to take some pictures. Needless to say I didn't have many keepers.